Aaron Fisher Reveals Story of Abuse at Hands of Jerry Sandusky

For the first time, people around the country are getting a chance to hear directly from one of Jerry Sandusky's accusers. Aaron Fisher, known previously simply as Victim 1, sat down for an interview with Chris Cuomo of 20/20 to tell his story.
Joseph Rhee and Linh Tran of ABC News report that Fisher, who is releasing a book about his extended struggle to get justice after years of torment, talked about everything from how Sandusky gained his trust to his unsuccessful attempts to get people to believe him.
Among the most shocking comments from Fisher concerned a time when he was heading home from school, only to be followed by the former Penn State coach. He said:
He once followed my bus home from school. I took off running but he drove on the opposite side of the street, onto oncoming traffic to catch up with me. I ran up an alley and he went to my house and parked out front.
Fisher's story is similar to most of those in the original grand jury report, which featured seven other victims as well. It started with Sandusky acting as a father figure by taking him to sporting events before turning into something far worse.
Abc_original_original_crop_exactCourtesy: ABC News
Fisher was a part of the Sandusky's Second Mile organization, and he met the coach when he was 11. Within a year, the sexual abuse began, and Fisher admits in the interview he didn't know how to handle it.
It wasn't until he was 15 that he pulled together enough courage to tell others about Sandusky's actions, but he met plenty of resistance. Finding people in power that believed the allegations became a massive uphill battle.
Charges weren't brought against Sandusky until nearly three years later, following a more comprehensive investigation into his actions with Fisher and other victims.
The former Penn State coach was found guilty on all but three counts and has since been sentenced to at least 30 years in prison. He continues to fight for a new trial while proclaiming his innocence, however.
Even though Fisher's quest to have Sandusky brought to justice was finally successful, he still wonders why it took so long. In the 20/20 interview, he talks about what he's lost and all the people who decided to look the other way.
"It's a fact that I lost a good portion of my childhood," he said. "I endured heartaches and numerous amounts of people who didn't believe me and walked away from me."