Internet Falls in Love with Eli Manning Looking at Things

Eli Manning went to assess some damage in his apartment and ended up becoming the subject of a hilarious meme. 
Deadspin took a photo of Manning and ran with it like Ahmad Bradshaw—well, a healthy Bradshaw—runs through a hole, all the way into a comedic end zone. 
The 31-year-old QB of the New York Giants was at his home—an apartment building inHoboken, New Jersey—during Superstorm Sandy. After the storm, he went downstairs to look at the damage, and that is when actress Kate Mara tweeted out this picture:
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Yes, that is the two-time Super Bowl MVP in sweats, taking pictures of water in his lobby. The moment is spectacular when you consider the water alone, but Deadspinadded a great deal of humor. 
They bring us "Eli Manning Looking at Things," and it's exactly what you would think it is. 
Here are some of our favorites:
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There has been a great deal of heartache coming from the devastated part of America ravaged by Sandy. If there is any amount of humor to be found in a tragic circumstance,Deadspin found it. 
Manning echoed this sentiment, albeit for the game scheduled this Sunday pitting the Giants against the Steelers (via ESPN):
Whether they can come to the game or find a TV, for a few hours they can have a little break and cheer for their home team. And hopefully we can give them a little joy and after the game they can go back to building their lives back. 
Little did Manning know that he is already giving many a break from the sobering images brought to us all week. 
Thanks to Eli Manning looking at things, we can all have a bit of a chuckle.